jadeocr docs



First clone the jadeocr repository

git clone https://github.com/jadeocr/jadeocr-next

Then set up your environment variables in client/.env


Then run the following to quickly spin up a dev instance

Web Client Setup

cd client
yarn && yarn twbuild
yarn serve # Starts dev server on http://localhost:8080

Server Setup

First set up a MongoDB server (locally or on MongoDB Atlas) then add the following to server/.env


On the server, make sure you have Python3 and TensorFlow Lite installed. Also make sure that you have installed virtualenv (pip install virtualenv) to isolate dependencies from the rest of your system. Then run the following

cd server
# Python setup
virtualenv venv # Creates python virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate # Activates virtual environment (run each time before working with the server)
pip install --upgrade pip # Updates pip
pip install -r requirements.txt # Installs dependencies
# Start up node.js server
cd server
yarn && yarn dev # Starts dev server on http://localhost:3000
deactivate # Deactivates virtual environment (run this when you're done)
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