jadeocr docs



Thank you for reading this far and considering contributing! Contributions are very much appreciated, and they are what makes this project what it is!

We are looking for contributions of features/feature requests, bug fixes, documentation fixes, and anything else you can think of!


Browse through the issues or submit one. Here are a couple guidelines to follow:

  • Make sure all of your dependencies are up to date
  • Include steps to reproduce the issue
  • Expected behavior and what went wrong
  • Screenshots/terminal output if necessary

Pull Requests

Pull requests are also always welcome. Here are a couple simple guidelines:

  • Make sure your code is readable and commented when necessary
  • Try to adhere to this style guide
  • For the web client, make sure to lint your code before submitting a pull request by running yarn lint
  • Document your changes adequately when opening a pull request

Thank you so much for taking the time to contribute!

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